SMTP outgoing server address is port 465 or 587. For the outgoing mail server SMTP that requires TLS, type in . Thunderbird IMAP mailbox Mac Mail IMAP mailbox Gmail POP mailbox Re-adding email. Use port 993 and select Yes for the Requires SSL setting. For the incoming mail server or IMAP that requires SSL, type in. Manage Jenkins > configure system > scroll down to email notification sectionĮnter the following parameters smtp server : If you need to set-up Gmail for an IMAP mail server, simply follow the steps below.
Navigate in the following path from dashboard after logging in Setup SMTP configuration for sending the gmail Note : Since the Password has a overall control over you gmail account disclosing it may lead serious consequences Setup two step verification settings (because without two step verification we cannot generate application specific password)Īfter setting up two step verification setting in gmail account navigate back to security and privacy settingsĬlick on application specific password > give the name of the application in the drop down as Jenkins (google by default does not have any specific application password setting for Jenkins) > this will generate password note down the password generated Sing-in to gmail account > navigate to settings > privacy and security settings